The Ultimate Chicken Sambo

Chicken Sambo-17.jpg

With picnics back on the menu, we invited our friend Lucy from Every Night of the Week to create a recipe for the ultimate chicken sambo… a Roast Chicken Sandwich designed to share!

Feeds approx 8


1 1.3kg organic chicken
1 bunch of large leaf rocket
1 large cob loaf (we used one about 30cm dia) or 16 rolls
Butter, oil, salt & pepper


1 celeriac, peeled and julienned (about 300gm)
2 sticks celery, finely sliced (about 1 cup)
1 280gm jar of GOOD FAT Mayo
1 ts Sri Lankan curry powder (I used gewurzhaus brand)
2 ts seed mustard
2 tbs finely chopped chives
1/2c picked chervil leaves
1 lemon, zested, and the juice from half


Remove chicken from the fridge to bring to room temperature - about an hour prior to cooking.

Preheat the oven to 200°C fan ( I use this temp to get super crispy skin and perfectly cooked meat).

Pat the chicken dry and using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors, cut done along one side of the spine to open and flatten the carcass. 

Place chicken skin side up on a paper lined oven tray and massage with some olive oil and season well with salt. 

Roast for 35-40 mins till cooked perfectly. Allow to cool to room temp. 

Combine the remoulade ingredients in a large bowl, gently but thoroughly. 

Remove and shred the meat from the chicken and combine with the remoulade. 

Add in any resting juices and some finely sliced crispy skin. (Do not discard the bones, these will make a lovely jus, that can be added to GOOD SIDE Caramelised Onions for a delicious gravy)

Cut the loaf in half, cross ways, removing some of the inner dough if there seems to be lots (do not discard! Dry and blend for home made bread crumbs), and butter with really good butter. 

Layer the base with rocket and top with the chicken mix. 

Close the sandwich then wrap and refrigerate until ready to picnic! (It’s much easier to cut when cold!!)

This same mix can be refrigerated and taken to the picnic with a box of fresh rolls and made on request, or DIY! 

Any extra will last a couple of days in the fridge ready to go straight into sambos, or salads for work lunches. 

Undivided Food