Cauliflower Bone Broth Risotto

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This Cauliflower Risotto creation by @cheftomwalton is something to get truly excited about! As per usual, it's deliciously nourishing with a GOOD BONES Chicken Bone Broth base. Here's how to recreate it...

Take one medium cauliflower and cut two 1-1.5cm steaks form the centre, as they are held together by the core so won’t fall apart. Finely chop the rest of the cauliflower to give you 2 cups. In a large frying pan, cook the cauliflower steaks in some olive oil until caramelised on both sides and golden, set aside.

For the risotto, bring 500ml Chicken Bone Broth and 500ml of water to the simmer in a small saucepan. In a medium frying pan, sweat 1 finely diced onion and 2 crushed cloves of garlic in 3 tbsp olive oil for a couple of minutes.

Add 1 ½ cups of rice and the chopped cauliflower and cook for 2 minutes stirring. Add half a cup white wine then start to ladle in the broth a little at a time, stirring the risotto constantly.

Only add more broth once it has been absorbed. You want it creamy and the rice just cooked.

Turn off the heat, stir ½ cup grated parmesan and 2 tbsp butter if desired, some chopped parsley and place a lid on to rest for 2 minutes. Reheat the cauliflower steak in the pan or an oven and serve together with a little pesto and more parmesan and ENJOY!

Undivided Food