Beef Brisket and Cauliflower Mash with Nick Pearce

Nick Pearce (the guy behind the @recipearce gram) knows his way around a kitchen and loves to cook up simple, delicious food that’s family-friendly and really easy (or at least he makes it look that way!). We are excited to have him whip up some winter recipes using his fave Undivided products. The first is this yum Beef Brisket with Cauliflower mash.

Here’s what Nick has to say.

“I've been cooking this on repeat as a winter warmer as it's so easy to bung in the oven in the morning and using GOOD BONES Bone Broth makes it a super hearty and nourishing meal for the whole family. I pimp mine out with a little bit of the Hot Habenro sauce too.” 


Serves 8 


3kg Beef Brisket 

1 Tin Tomatoes 

500ml GOOD BONES Beef Broth  

Flakey Salt 


1 Head Cauliflower 

100g Parmigiano Reggiano 

50g Butter 

One Lemon 

Flat Leaf Parsley 


GOOD Sauce Hot Habanero


Step 1. Whack your oven on 160C, pop your beef brisket into a casserole dish, add 1 tin of tomatoes and 500ml GOOD BONES Beef Broth. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Whack on the lid and bung it into the oven for 6hrs let it do its thing.

Step 2. Remove the lid crank the oven up to 220C.

Step 3. While the brisket is crisping up make the cauliflower mash by steaming a whole head of cauliflower until soft (approx 25mins). Remove it from the steamer and quarter it, add it to a blender with 50g butter, 100g parmigiana reggiano, 50g of butter, juice of half a lemon, season with salt and pepper then blitz it. Taste it to adjust the salt and lemon (i like mine really salty and lemony).

Step 4. Chop some parsley for garnish, plate up creamy cauliflower mash, add the broth Brisket, garnish with Parsley and I like to pimp mine out with a little GOOD Sauce Hot Habanero.

Undivided Food